We’re starting to hear about some great ways that our journals are being used. I wish these were my ideas, but they’re not and I’ve decided I’m okay with that. We’d love to hear about the ways that you are creatively using your journals, whether they’re DEN journals or something else. So give us some feedback or add to our comment section below.

(1) Our journals are being sent to prisons and detention facilities. I get chills when I see “correctional facility” in the shipping address on one of our shipments. I’m not sure why I hadn’t considered this as a possibility before, but I’d love it if prisons become filled with men and women seeking God, journaling, spending great time in God’s Word. God uses our darkest moments to sometimes shine great light. I pray this truth for those inmates receiving journals and that many more might be inspired to do so too.

(2) Love letters to a spouse. So one friend is using his DEN journal to write letters to his wife. Once or twice per week, he leaves the journal by her bedside for her to read. So cool. And yet convicting. This confirms I’m not the husband I want to be yet.

(3) Memoirs of children. Another friend is using our journals to create a log of memories, funny quotes, prayers (likely), etc for each of his children. Love it. And convicted yet again. This confirms I’m not the father I want to be yet.

(4) Melissa Womack. She’s painting/drawing some beautiful pictures of Bible verses. I’m nowhere close to being artistic, but the world of illustrative faith and creative Bible journaling is fascinating to me. For those that journal in this way, press on! It is inspiring to me even if I can in no way add to the library of beautiful visuals.

(5) Book note-taking. This is one that I’ve heard from a friend and trying to incorporate myself. His vision was to not just be a consumer of books, but to be able to share what he’s learning with others. What a great vision not just for books, but for sermons, podcasts, just about anything we intake that carries some value.

I hope these ideas inspire you not intimidate you. I love to share what others are doing because journaling is powerful, and I hope that you find your voice when it comes to writing. And ultimately, I pray it all comes as an overflow from how God is filling you up.

How are you using your DEN Journal? #FromMyDEN

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